title="St Ippolyts Parish Council in Hertfordshrie">

, welcome to St Ippolyts Parish Council websiteThu, 3rd October 2024

Hello, and welcome to the website of St Ippolyts Parish Council. Here you will find a guide to the council and its activities, together with information about the local area, its history, its businesses and its services.

St Ippolyts is an ancient parish of approximately 2,000 people located in delightful countryside on the southern edge of the market town of Hitchin, in Hertfordshire. The Parish Council has been looking after the interests of its people for more than 100 years.

This website is intended to reinforce a strong community spirit, to promote environmental awareness and to welcome newcomers to the area. You will find contact details of councillors and the parish clerk by using the navigation buttons on this page.

We're looking forward to hearing from you!

News Feed  Recent News
NHC Consultation Have you say on Parish Arrangements  NHC Consultation Have you say on Parish Arrangements  »  (14 August)
 Outline Application : Erection of  Sports Pavilion following demolition of  existing changing rooms (all matters reserved)   Outline Application : Erection of Sports Pavilion following demolition of existing changing rooms (all matters reserved)  »  (22 July)
Councillor Job Description  Councillor Job Description  »  (14 May)
Your Tree Our Future  Your Tree Our Future  »  (14 May)
NHC Election Declaration of results of Poll  NHC Election Declaration of results of Poll  »  (7 May)

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